Wednesday, February 6, 2013



Animal You | Gelada | While Theropithecus gelada is the only surviving species of the species are separated, the species known from the fossil T. brumpti, T. and T. Dart Sant'Osvaldo, earlier in Simopithecus sex. Theropithecus, while currently limited in Ethiopia, is also of fossils found in Africa and the Mediterranean in Asia, including South Africa, Malawi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Algeria, Morocco, Spain and known in India, specifically in Mirzapur, Cueva Victoria, Pirro Nord, Terni Fine , Hadar, Turkana, Makapansgat and Swartkrans. The Gelada is big and strong. it covered with bright yellow dark, coarse hair and a pale face with dark eyes.

Adult males have a long, heavy coat of hair on his back. The Gelada has a flat face with a short muzzle closer to a chimpanzee, baboon can. It also physically be distinguished from a baboon by the light patches of skin on the breast . This patch is hourglass-shaped. The brilliant red of the men and is surrounded by white hair on women is much less pronounced. However, when in estrus, the female patch lighter and a "chain" with fluid-filled blisters to form on the pavement. This is seen analogous to the swollen buttocks in most baboons living inspiration Moreover, women have buttons on the skin around the patch Geladas developed well ischial callosities

The Gelada has various settings for the country-and-grass (grass-eating) lifestyle. It has small, strong fingers are adjusted pulled grass and narrow, small incisors to chew. The Gelada has random known a single step, the gait which is to perform. Geladas are found only in the high plains of the deep gorges of the central plateau of Ethiopia. If both leaves and seeds are available, the. Geladas favorite for the seeds They also eat flowers, rhizomes and roots, if available, digging with their hands for the last two. They also consume grasses, small plants, fruits, vines, shrubs and bushes. During the dry season, herbs and aromatic plants ate less preferred. Geladas consume their food more than ungulates, primates, and can chew your food as effectively zebras.

Geladas are primarily diurnal. At night they sleep on the ledges of the cliffs. When the morning ends, tend to reduce social activities and foraging focusing Geladas. When evening comes, show Geladas more social activity before sleep to the rocks down. When in estrus, the female shows his back for a male and lifts her, wagging his tail to the side. The male approaches the female, and then checks the breasts and genital area. A woman is five times pairs a day, usually around noon. Infants have red faces and closed his eyes, and covered with black hair. Newborns weigh on average 464 g women who have just given birth to the periphery of the unit remain reproduction. Other adult females may have an interest in children and even kidnapped. When steamed, teenagers and children can gather to play in groups of about 10 people. When men reach the age of puberty, they gather in groups unstable regardless of the reproductive unit. Average life expectancy in the wild is 19 years. Geladas adults use a varied repertoire of sounds different purposes such as: contact, reassurance, appeasement, invitation, ambivalence, aggression and defense. Geladas specify whether the gestures as well. A Gelada explains the run or created.
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