Thursday, February 7, 2013



Animal You | Groundhog | In areas with fewer natural predators and large amounts of alfalfa, groundhogs can grow to 80 cm (30 inches) and 14 kg (31 lbs). Groundhogs are well adapted for digging, with the members of the court, yet powerful curved claws and thick. Adapted to temperate habitat, groundhogs are covered with two layers of fur: a dense layer and a layer of gray streaks in her that the groundhog its distinctive appearance "frozen" indicates. In captivity, groundhogs are reported to live 14.9 years. Common predators for groundhogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, lynxes, bears, large hawks and dogs. Marmotte young people are often at risk for predation by snakes, which easily enter the burrow. Mostly herbivorous, groundhogs primarily eat wild grasses and plants, including berries and agricultural crops when available. Groundhogs also eat worms, grasshoppers, insects, snails and other small animals, but they are omnivores like most other Sciuridae.

Hydrates marmots eat green leafy plants, instead of drinking from a fountain. Groundhogs are excellent burrowers, using burrows for sleeping, rearing young, and hibernating. The average groundhog has been estimated at about 1 m3 (35 cubic feet) or 320 kg (710 pounds) of the moving soil by digging a hole. Though groundhogs are the most solitary of the marmots, several people occupy the same burrow. Groundhog burrows usually 2-5 tickets, providing groundhogs principal means to escape predators. Groundhogs are one of the few species that enter into true hibernation, and often a "winter burrow" just build for this purpose. Woodchucks are primarily daytime.

Despite its large size, the marmots are expert swimmers and tree climbers or escape predators excellent if you want to explore your surroundings. Groundhogs may squeal when fighting, can seriously wounded by an enemy or other sounds marmots are low and a barking sound produced by grinding your teeth when marmots are afraid, the hair of the tail of the state, giving the appearance a tail hair brush. The breeding season runs from early March to mid or late April, after hibernation. The waste is produced annually, usually by 5:58 blind and helpless young bald. Young groundhogs are weaned and ready for their own burrows least five to six weeks old to search. The groundhog prefers open country and forest edges, and rarely far from a burrow entrance. Groundhogs are often hunted for sport, which tends to control their numbers.  This Marmot an animal known to many people in the United States and Canada. Groundhogs raised in captivity can be socialized relatively easily, but their aggressive nature can pose problems.

United States and Canada, the annual Groundhog Day Groundhog given recognition and popularity, and the film of the same name. Most of them are popularly known groundhogs Wiarton Willie and Punxsutawney Phil, well maintained low Groundhog Day festivities in Wiarton, Ontario and Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, respectively. A famous southern groundhog, General Beauregard Lee, is based on the Yellow River Game Ranch outside Atlanta, Georgia.If infected with woodchuck hepatitis B, are 100% risk of developing liver cancer, making them a good model for testing treatments for hepatitis B and liver cancer. Although archaeologists have never dug Ufferman site, there are many objects found thanks to the activities of the local groundhogs.
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